What is the Rule?
Rule Differences between Match Play and Stroke Play
Allocation of Strokes:
Rule Differences between Match Play and Stroke Play
- A Player may concede a Match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that Match.
- A Player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole.
- A Player may concede the Opponent's next stroke at any time, provided the Opponent's ball is at rest.
- A concession may not be declined or withdrawn.
- Unlike Stroke play, in Match play Players may practice on the course before a round.
- If a Player plays from outside the teeing ground or from a wrong teeing ground, there is no penalty but the Opponent may immediately require the player to cancel the shot and to playa ball from within the teeing ground after the other players have played their tee shots.
- When a Player has holed out and his Opponent is left with a stroke for the half, if the Player subsequently incurs a penalty, the hole is halved.
- In Stroke play, Rule 3-3 allows the playing of a second ball if there is doubt as to the correct procedure. However, this Rule does not apply to Match Play. If a dispute arises in Match Play, play must continue if a Referee is not immediately available.
Allocation of Strokes:
- In Matches involving Player's having different handicaps, the Player with the lower (lowest) handicap plays from scratch and the other Player(s) receive the number of strokes equal to the difference between their handicap and the handicap of the Player with the lower (lowest) handicap.
- Order of play is determined on the tee by draw (first tee) or honor. When not on the tee, the Player who is farthest from the whole must play first. If a Player plays out of turn, there is no penalty but the shot may be immediately recalled by the Player's Opponent and, if recalled, the Player must replay the shot.
- EXCEPTION: See below for an exception in four-ball (better-ball) Match Play.
- In Foursome (alternate shot) play, the partners must play alternately from the teeing ground and alternately during the play of a hole. Penalty shots do not affect the order of play. In Match Play if a Player plays when his/her partner should have played, his/her side loses the hole.
- In general, an infraction that would result in a 2 stroke penalty in Stroke play, is a loss of hole penalty in Match Play.
- In Stroke play if a competitor accidentally moves a fellow-competitor's ball, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced. However, in Match Play if a Player moves his Opponent's ball, other than during a search for the ball, the Player who moved the ball incurs a 1 stroke penalty and the ball must be replaced.
- Rule 9-2 outlines the requirements for a Player to advise his/her Opponent the number of strokes he/she has taken during the play of a hole and after completion of the hole. This includes a requirement to advise the Opponent of penalty strokes taken "as soon as practicable".
- If a Player gives wrong information as to strokes taken and does not correct the mistake before his/her Opponent makes his/her next stroke, concedes the Player's next stroke, picks up his/her bailor picks up his/her ball marker, the Player loses the hole.
- In Match Play if a Player makes a stroke at a wrong ball he/she loses the hole.
- If the Player and Opponent exchange balls during the play of a hole, the Player who first made a stroke at a wrong ball loses the hole.
- When it can't be determined who first made a stroke at the wrong ball, the hole must be played out with the balls exchanged. Ball Deflected
- If a Player's ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by the Opponent, the Opponent's caddie or equipment there is no penalty and the Player may either play the ball as it lies or cancel the stroke and replay the shot.
- A side may be represented by one partner for all or part of a Match -- all partners need not be present. An absent partner may join a match between holes but not during the play of a hole.
- EXCEPTION TO ORDER OF PLAY: As in a singles Match, the side that is farthest from the hole must play first, but balls belonging to the same side may be played in the order the side considers best.
- Rule 30-3 c. d. e and f outline rules under which just one partner or the entire side is penalized or disqualified. Players should familiarize themselves with this section before starting Match Play.